Dean School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia Visitation
On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Perbanas Institute hosted a visit from Prof. Fauziah Taib MD, Ph.D., the Dean of the School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) who was accompanied by Prof. Joriah Muhammad, Ph.D. and the team.
The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Sofyan Hidajat Widjaja accepted the visit, accompanied by the Director of the Directorate of Cooperation and Internationalization Mr. Acong Dewantoro Marsono, MBA, The Head of the Professional Training Dr. Sri Murti Sadana, the Head of International Office, Ms. Nani Fitri, Hum and the Head of Public Relations & Cooperation Mr. Adi Darmawan, SH., MH.
In the the meeting, various issues related to the development of international cooperation were discussed especially programs that are possible to be carried out by the Perbanas Institute and USM. Some programs that have been agreed upon include: curriculum development, faculty and student exchange programs, training cooperation and various forms of other possible cooperative programs.