Faculty of Information Technology

An Overview Faculty of Information Technology

Founded in 1993

Originally named the Perbanas School of Informatics and Computer Management (STIMIK) Perbanas. FTI aims to meet the demand for educated workers and professionals in the field of information and computer technology, especially in the world of finance and banking.

More than 2500 graduates

There are many graduates who work in various industries such as banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, government agencies, education and entrepreneurship.

2 Kinds of Class

Regular class

is intended for high school graduates, vocational school or its equivalent to pursue Bachelor Degree. This Bachelor degree can be completed in 8 semesters by having 144 credits.

Extension class

is intended to meet the needs of a dynamic society especially for Diploma III or its equivalent that can be completed in three semesters.

Supporting Lab

Security and Computer Network
Laboratory preferred to support lectures in Computer Networks, Computer Networks and Applications Computer Security, Information and Network. It is expected with this lab, students can improve their competence by taking skills certification and computer network security, once certified students will be better prepared to face global challenges.

Information System and Design
This laboratory provides support lectures related to the design, development of information systems with a target for the development of hard skills and soft skills. The main activities of the laboratory include independent learning by students and lecturers, research and learning in small groups adapted to several courses.

Laboratories that helps increase the hard skills in programming skills as well as giving lectures related support good programming skills-based devices ordinary computer or mobile device. Activities in this lab practice learning-based programming multi operating system, web and non-web technology.


Research Activities for lecturer have developed well proven by receiving various grants research obtained by lecturers such as Grant National Strategy (STRANAS), Competitive Grant (HIBER), Research Grants Young Lecturer (PDP).

Cooperation international standard

Faculty of Information Technology has established cooperation with leading companies in the field of ICT such as:

  • Oracle
  • IBM
  • EC-Council (in order to build a curriculum in the field of computer security and information)

In addition, it is co-operate in the provision of scholarships for students with PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia insurance in BnB program (Learning and Working).