Perbanas Institute Graduation 11 May 2016: “Becoming a World Class University and Committed to Produce Competitive, Innovative, and Productive Human Resources Who Have Global Perspective”

On Wednesday, May 11 2016,
Perbanas Institute held a graduation ceremony at Jakarta Convention Center and inaugurated 24 Master graduates, 188 Bachelor of Management graduates, 224 Bachelor of Accounting graduates, 16 Information Systems graduates, 4 Informatics graduates, 10 International Class Program graduates, 1 Diploma Finance and Banking graduate, as well as 13 Diploma Accounting graduates.
This graduation was attended by the Board of Perbanas Foundation, Chairman of the Institute and Faculties, faculty members, staffs, graduates, parents of the graduates, Coordinator of Kopertis III Dr. Illah Sailah, and Mr. Sutrisno Bachir the Chairman of National Committee of Economic and Industry (KEIN) who delivered his graduation speech.
The theme for this graduation is relevant to the condition that is currently being faced by the people of Indonesia who are facing changes and developments in the ASEAN Economics Community era and the integration of banking and financial sector in 2020. It is a challenge and opportunity for universities in Indonesia to produce qualified graduates who have knowledge, skills, and competencies in facing the competition.
Perbanas Institute continues to make positive development towards the realization of Vision 2019 that launched itself tobe the big 5 higher education institutions of finance, banking, and informatics in Asia. In his academic report, Rector of Perbanas Institute, Prof. Dr. Ir. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo conveyed that “To realize Perbanas Institute to be a world class university, Perbanas Institute has made various improvement and development, not only improving its facilities and infrastructures but also the quality of learning by implementing an innovative curriculum designed refers to National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the National Work Competence Standard (SKKNI) in finance, banking, and informatics.
Besides improving the quality of the learning process Perbanas Institute also gets input from the members of the Banks Association about the development of finance and banking and global changes. By improving the quality of facilities and the learning process it is expected that the competitiveness of Perbanas Institute alumni will increase and be ready to face the global challenges”.
Since 2015 the two study programs S-1 Accounting and S1 Management were awarded A accreditation from the National Higher Education Accreditation Board (BAN-PT). In addition, S1 Management Study Program has been awarded the second place of The Best School of Management from one leading business media in Indonesia.
Besides opening Finance and Islamic Banking Study Program and Education Accounting Profession (PPAk), in the near future Doctoral Program in Management will be opened.
In this occasion, the Memorandum of Understanding between Perbanas Institute and two cooperation partners, namely the Professional Certification Institute of Financial Planning Standards Board Indonesia for Education and Training in Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) were signed.