Perbanas Institute in cooperation with the Anti-Bribery Entrepreneurs Community (Komunitas Pengusaha Anti Suap) and supported by a number of national media held a “Masker” Run Race, a 5 km run race that aims to reveal and communicate self-expression, social and moral message in the community through creativity, happiness and togetherness. The “Masker” Run Race conveyed a message “New Face of Indonesia without Corruption”.
The event was held on Sunday, 26th April 2015 at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium and attended by approximately 1,500 participants. The “Masker” Run Race participants sprinted for about 5 km with a face painted as a form of expression and the spirit of the struggle against and combat all forms of corruption in Indonesia.
The “Masker” Run Race was opened by Mr. Rakhmat Junaidi as the Chairman of KUPAS, accompanied by the Deputy Head of Jakarta Police Brig. Jend. Pol. Nandang Jumantara, the Central Jakarta Mayor H. Rustam Effendi, the Chairman of LPSK Mr. Abdul H. Semandawai, the Boards of Indonesian Business Women Association (IWAPI) and the officials of Bureau of Students and Alumni Affairs Perbanas Institute.