To improve the quality of the services and the employees’ skills for their operational supports and activities, the Bureau of Human Capital and Legal Services (HCL) Perbanas Institute hosted a Customer Service Excellence Training for its employees.
The Customer Service Excellence Training was held in cooperation with James Gwee Success Center and carried on Friday 10th April to Saturday, 11th April 2015, at 08:00 a.m. until 15:00 p.m. at the Auditorium of Unit III building. For the first stage, the training was attended by the front liners employees who perform their functions and duties of service for students, faculty members and other stakeholders.
The training began with a speech from the Vice Rector of Resource Management Dr. Wiwiek Prihandini, Ak., MM and was officially opened by the Rector of Perbanas Institute, Prof. Dr Ir. H. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo. In his speech, the rector mentioned the importance of maintaining and improving the quality of service, in accordance with the commitment that has been launched by the Institute that is “Towards a World Class Service”.
The instructors for the training were Mr. Tjantana Jusman and Mrs. Giokniwati who presented the materials such as An Ever Changing World, Service Mindset, Service Communication and Service with Personality Types Understanding.
The training was closed on Saturday, 11th April 2015 by a speech from the Head of Bureau of Human Capital and Legal Services Mr. Arus Akbar Silondae SH., LLM and officially closed by the Vice Rector of Resource Management Dr. Wiwiek Prihandini, Ak., MM by giving a certificate to the best participant.