Climate Change: Issues for Management & Accounting
International Class Program of ABFI Institute Perbanas Jakarta presents a one day International Guest Lecture Series on May 14th 2009 at Seminar Room Unit 5 6th Floor. The theme for this event was Climate Change: Issues for Management & Accounting with Al Gore’s “Inconvinient Truth” movie display by Prof. Janek Ratnatunga (Head of School Commerce in UniSA) and Dr. Walter G. Tonetto (Chairman EOS International, Inc.).
An Inconvenient Truth focuses on Al Gore and his travels in support of his efforts to educate the public about the severity of the climate crisis. It weaves in events that changed his world view, including his college education with early climate expert Roger Revelle at Harvard University. In the slide show, Gore reviews the scientific opinion on climate change, discusses the politics and economics of global warming and describes the consequences he belives global climate change will produce if the amount of human-generated greenhouse gases is not significantly reduced in the very near futute. Gore’s book of the same title was published concurrently with the theatrical realease of the documentary. The book contains additional information, scientific analysis, and Gore’s commentary on the issues presented in the documentary.