Magister of Accounting
Finance and Taxation
Publik Sector
Management Accounting
Master of Accounting graduates can have professions or positions as: Controller, Treasury and Taxation Consultant, Auditor and Accountant Public Sector who have the ability, as follows.
- Ability to analyze and review the financial statements, validate, verify and consolidate financial data private and public sectors;
- Ability to analyze and review the financial statements, validate, verify and consolidate financial data of public sector;
- Ability to manage taxation;
- Ability prepare, control, and evaluate the budget;
- Ability compile and run the internal control system;
- The ability to audit financial and operational management;
- Academic and research capabilities (research) is adequate, so that it can continue to pursue a doctoral education program and be able to produce scientific work useful for society.
- Professional educators from both academics and practitioners
- The curriculum supports the exam to be certified Chartered Accountant (CA).
- The latest reference book
- Supporting student participation in scientific competition
- Facilitate students in a variety of community service activities
- Bridging a comprehensive program, thereby enhancing the ability of students before entering regular lectures
- Provide support for the formation supervising final projects that can improve the results of student research
- Providing ICT-Based Accounting practice
Dalam membimbing dan memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa Perbanas Institute didukung oleh kurang lebih 470 dosen dari berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu, baik lulusan dari dalam maupun luar negeri antara lain:
- Dr. Aviliani S.E., M.Si
Profesional, Ekonom Indonesia, dan Komisaris Bank Mega
- Prof. Dr. Hermanto Siregar, M.Ec.
Rektor Perbanas Institute, Pakar Ekonom, dan Komisaris Bank BRI Syariah
- Dr. Rico R. Budidarmo
Ekonom Indonesia, Direktur Keuangan, dan Risiko Kredit Bank BNI
- Prof. Dr. Haryono Umar, M.Sc, Ak, CA
Mantan Komisioner KPK, Mantan Ketua IAI (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia), dan Kompartemen Akuntan Sektor Publik
- Tiolina Tumanggor, M.Ak
Pakar Ekonom Indonesia dan Direktur Kepatuhan Bank Mayora
- Arus Akbar Silondae, S.H., L.LM
Ahli Hukum Perbankan dari BOND University Australia
- Endang Swastika
Ahli Perbankan dari MONASH University Australia
- Dr. Rusdi Musa Ishaq
Human Capital Planning Policy & Business Departement Head Bank BRI Syariah
- Dr. Zaenal Abidin
Ekonom dan Ahli Perbankan Indonesia dari University of Santo Tomas Philipines