To achieve Perbanas Institute’s Vision 2019 and improve the quality of writing for faculty members who are able to publish their articles on international journal, Perbanas Institute managed a workshop on journal writing in cooperation with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
The workshop was attended by 20 lecturers of the Faculty of Economic and Business and Faculty of Information Technology as well as the Postgraduate. It was implemented in 2 phases; phase 1 was conducted at Hotel Santika Cirebon on 15-16 December 2015 focusing on the theory and concepts of writing for international journal, while phase 2 was held on 17 -18 December 2015 at GRIYA PERBANAS Jakarta focusing on the workshop on international journal writing.
The materials presented were:
- High Impact Publication;
- Selecting and Writing Abstract and title;
- Writing the Introduction;
- Literature Review: the process of writing;
- The methodology; • Writing the Result;
- Writing the Conclusion;
- Referencing and Citations Guide.
The participants were very enthusiastic in joining the workshop because it was guided by two facilitators from UUM who have many experiences in publishing their writings in international journals indexed Scopus (Q1 and Q2), namely Prof. Ruswiyati Surya Saputra and Associate Prof. Dr. Nurwati Ashikin Ahmad Zaluki. The expected output of this workshop was Perbanas Institute lecturers can write and publish their articles on international journals indexed Scopus sucessfully.