Public Lecture on Banking “The Readiness of Financial Services Industry in Facing ASEAN Economic Community” and MOU Signing Between Perbanas Institute and OJK (Indonesia Financial Services Authority)

On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 09.30 – 12.00 at the Auditorium Unit III, Perbanas Institute.
Cooperated with Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) held a public lecture discussing a topic “The Readiness of the Financial Services Industry in facing ASEAN Economic Community” with the speaker Dr. Kusumaningtuti S. Soetiono, SH, LLM as the member of the Board of Commissioners in Education and Consumer Protection.
The event was continued by the MOU signing between Perbanas Institute and OJK in the area of Financial Services Sector Development, Improving Financial Literacy and Consumer Protection in the Financial Services. The implementation of the cooperation includes the activities in the field of education and teaching, research, community service and student affairs.
This is one of the efforts of Perbanas Institute in developing its wide collaboration with external parties particularly government agencies such as OJK. Dr. Marissa Haque Fawzi acted as the moderator during the lecture that was attended by the faculty members, employees, students and a number of Perbanas Institute’s partners. The public lecture was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Mr. Patria Laksamana, PhD and Rector of Perbanas Institute Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo was pleased to close the event.