Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Pasca Sarjana STIE Perbanas Jakarta
We are pleased to inform you that Magister Manajemen (MM) Perbanas will have new intake on 25 October 2004. We have 3 majors to choose from:
1. Manajemen Pemasaran
2. Manajemen Keuangan
3. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
You will have the opportunity to explore issues and ideas from multiple perspectives and study within the context of various types of organizations. Within the framework of the increasingly important role of Finance, Banking & Marketing in the information age, these programs can lead to a growing number of career opportunities at local, regional and international levels.
A small entering class is required to launch these programs, you need to apply now to ensure your place in our next semester. Entering class and begin your exciting journey at Perbanas Business School.
Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through email at,
phone (021) 525-2533, 522-2501 – 04 ext. 291, 293 or simply visit our website at