Perbanas Accounting Competition V
On November 22nd-24th 2005, by taking “High Spirit Full Challenges” theme, Perbanas Student Accounting Society performs Perbanas Accounting Competition (PAC) V. This event take place at the Auditorium. The are 26 competitors from 11 colleges participate at this PAC V.
University Students who take part in this event come from:
- STIE Perbanas Jakarta
- Universitas Tarumanegara
- Universitas Bina Nusantara
- Universitas Krisna Dwipayana
- STIE Trisakti
- Institut Bisnis Indonesia (IBI)
- Akademi Akuntansi Nasional
- Akademi Bina Insani
- STIE Supra
- Universitas Islam Negeri
This event had been opened by Bambang Trihartanto Ph.D (Chairman of Perbanas Business School).