Bachelor Degree in Information System

The Information System program provides the opportunity for higher education graduates to access education and expertise in the field of Information Systems at the undergraduate level. The program is designed to meet the needs of young workers are skilled and professional, primarily associated with the development, utilization and management of Information Systems in the financial industry and banking with the ability to analyze, design and implement Information Systems Corporate, iS Governance and Applied Database.

Graduate profile

Its curriculum dopts ACM Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems in 2009, 2005 Curicula Computing (ACM and IEEE-CS) and APTIKOM. The material obtained in the Information System produces graduates to become:

  1. Employees, especially in ICT Finance and Banking (Analyst Information Systems, Software Engineering, DBA, and Project Manager Information Systems)
  2. Self-employed particularly in ICT Finance and Banking (software products and services provider)
  3. ICT Professionals in Finance and Banking
  4. Bureaucrats in ICT
  5. Academician in ICT

Program Studi Sistem Informasi di bawah naungan fakultas teknologi informasi institut perbanas (FTI Perbanas Institute) memberikan kesempatan kepada lulusan SMA/ SMK sederajat untuk mendapatkan pendidikan dan keahlian di bidang Sistem Informasi pada tingkat sarjana (S1) Program studi ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan terhadap tenaga-tenaga muda yang terampil dan profesional, terutama terkait dengan pengembangan, pemanfaatan, dan pengelolaan Sistem Informasi dalam Industri Keuangan dan Perbankan dengan kemampuan menganalisa, merancang dan mengimplementasikan Sistem Informasi Korporat (ERP) Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi (IS Governence) dan Database Terapan (Applied Database).